Multi-Participatory Adapted Mosaic Framework: A Methodological Approach to Listening to the Voices of Children with Disabilities in Nigeria
Blog post
This blog post draws on the author’s ongoing doctoral research to examine how the innovative use of multi-participatory methods has facilitated the listening to and understanding of the voices of children with neuro developmental disorders in Nigeria in relation to their schooling.
‘Time to Talk Data’ platform on how to develop and use Evidence Maps
6th Africa Evidence Leadership Award (AELA) 2024 online ceremony
Communication and Translation of Evidence Synthesis Findings: A Hands-On Workshop
Weaving through the Sand: How can evidence-informed decision-making work for all?
Suivi et Évaluation des ODD au niveau des collectivités décentralisées (Communes) avec des solutions numériques: Cas de l'application Baromètre – ODD
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